
Oh Dolly

Adaline is now 17 months and a very energetic, loving, curious, adventurous and mischief.  She is on the petite side. She is wearing a size 3 -4 shoe where as Raquel was wearing a 4-5 by now. Her teeth have come in slowly. Her top and bottom centrals came in around 14 months. At her 12 month check up the doctor told me to keep feeding her baby food! We didn't do that. Now at 17 months she is restless getting more teeth. But they are all on the top right side! Makes for a silly smile.
She shows her adventurous side by freely diving into the pool, scaling playground equipment and sliding down on her own. Climbing or scaling anything is her hobby. So much so our home has become a bit barren. We now have stackable chairs so she can't push them around to climb  and reach something. I am constantly finding little footprints on the dishwasher as she hangs from the handle. This is probably why she often has scratch and bruises. Dancing and singing are another thing she loves to do. Anytime she hears a tune she must dance and her favorite music to sing to is from the movie Frozen. She is still a screamer. Less often but it does come out on a occasion. Instead I have taught her to say mommy, which now she says it all day long for everything.  Other words are Daddy, thank you, eieio, more. She is still a Mama's girl and demands cuddles. This is a good thing as life is busy finishing classes and it reminds me to slow down and be with her. As far as discipline, we are working on time out. But she just laughs in our faces. I think she will be the rule breaker in our family. Just need to channel that in the right direction.